Tuesday, July 21, 2015

3rd Adoption Interview

We are officially 75% done with our home study!! WOOHOO!!

This morning we had a meeting with our social worker, Meagan. It was basically about attachment and parenting. Which is something we are already doing, since we have Blake. She wanted to know what our philosophies on parenting were. We talked about discipline and reconciliation, and how we would parent our adoptive child. We told her that we get on Blake's level and correct him, and use time-outs. We were hesitant to talk about spanking, which anyone would be with a social worker sitting in front of you. We are honest so we told her that spanking is a last resort, and we warn him before and pray with him afterwards. She said that is perfectly normal and we are doing it the correct way and as long as we keep it up he will be fine. However, with adopted children spanking could be an ineffective punishment and can be a trigger for them. Especially if they were older when they came in our family, or if their Birth Mom used drugs or alcohol while pregnant. So she suggested a "time-in". Instead of sending the adoptive child to their room we sit with them on the couch so they don't feel unwanted. Such a great idea!

It was a very easy meeting. She told us that we are doing everything right, and to keep doing so! It was such a relief. Plus hearing a social worker say that you are doing a good job parenting is pretty much the best compliment you can get! We have one more meeting with her, which will be sometime next month. That meeting will take place in our home and will be about four hours long. She will go over creating our profile and get to meet Blake, which he is super excited about!

After our meeting Gunnar and I treated ourselves :)

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

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